Thursday, April 28, 2011

World Map Project

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to give a quick update. I just returned from an 18-day trip to INDIA!!! INCREDIBLE INDIA INDEED! Please see my photos here. But, my post is really about the world map project that my students and I finished in early April.

Over a course of five days, students from my geography and speaking clubs came together and worked on a 2.5m x 5m mural of a world map. We began by measuring and drawing a large grid of 1,568 blocks. Then, we painted the space white and drew the countries on the wall block by block. Step three consisted of painting the oceans and countries in varying colors. And, voila--world map! Here are a few photos. But, go to my picasa page for a full visual of the progression of our work!

I was such a control freak through out the whole process. I had to keep in mind that my students have never had experience painting and drawing. This project was all new to them. It was even new for the teachers at our school.

By introducing a map to my school, Cambodians now have a better grasp of their own country in respect to size and location. Most Cambodians have never seen a map before this. Most teachers at my school were surprised by how small Cambodia is compared to many countries.

Overall, I am very happy with the result of the mural. More importantly, however, my students had a lot of fun.

So, I have 75 Days Remaining of Service!!!

Officially, I will close my service July 12th. But, I will be traveling for a little over a month before I return to Los Angeles. I am planning on going to Bali, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong...see you all very soon.

I'm really sleepy now. Apologies for typos and grammar mistakes! Good night! diana
