FINALLY! here are some random photos featuring me and my fellow K3 trainees...Hi MOM! Hi DAD!
This was taken on the first day of practicum. I am wearing a sampot--a traditional teaching skirt worn by khmai female teachers.
Here is RT, Christian and me...we are in Phnom Penh on a scavenger hunt.
Obviously, this is a house. I am in training now, but this is my temporary home in Takeo Province.
Here's 1/6th of the Peace Corps group. We went on a field trip to Tonle Bati...quite a relaxing day. L to R: Nikki, Christian, Lisa, David, Me, Dylan, Chrissy, Nick, Vanny (LCF) and Greg (K2).
Nick, Mira and I visited Kristine (in red) for our Kampuchea Adventure. I am sitting next to Kristine's host dad. He pulled these coconuts straight off the tree and served them to us...fresh coconut water...
Me, Chrissy and Dylan on our trip to Tonle Bati...we are sitting in a hut above the water...
(left) You see dilapidated buildings from time to time in Cambodia. (right) This is also in Takeo--homes above water. You see the guy in the boat?
(left) A little girl in Mesang. (right) A girl performing a traditional khmai dance with coconuts.
that's it for now...we are almost finished with training...and can you believe i've been in cambodia for 2 months now? we are swearing in as Peace Corps volunteers September 25th and its really exciting...after that, we all go to our permanent sites. anyway....HI TO EVERYONE AT HOME!!!
My daughter Bri is a PCV in Kravyn, Pursaut Prov. I enjoyed your blog, especially your pictures! Good luck
Hi! I'm a COSing V in Morocco and am going home via SE Asia. I wondered if you or another V in Cambodia might be willing to host my on my way home.
I'm youth development in Morocco - I'd be glad to help out a couple days!
My blog is My email is the first part of that at gmail.
Oh, and congratulations on swear-in!
Thanks! linley
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